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Sexploits amongst the most bizarre

Jane Fonda as Barbarella



This has been on the back burner of my mind for awhile. Back when Drew Barrymore was interested in the project, and until recently Robert ROdriguez, but now it looks like the Barbarella remake is going to take place in television form.

Back in June, revealed this to us and I was concerned with the idea of a remake. And the only thing I would want to see Drew Barrymore in is Charlie’s Angels 3. Because her as Barbarella would turn into a ridiculous Charlie’s Angels 3. And sure she can be ditzy, but the original Jane is the perfect naïve, bumbling adventuress who has sex with things.

She was perfect for her time. But this character wouldn’t work for today’s audiences. She is too passive. Here is a rundown of the major plot points in the original.

  • Ordered what to do by a man
  • Crashes spaceship.
  • Gets captured.
  • Gets rescued
  • Gets her ass Handed to her
  • Gets her spaceship fixed
  • Crashes spaceship
  • Gets lost, asks for directions from a blind person

It goes on like that for awhile, with her learning about sex along the way. The most active things she does is change clothes and have sex. Today, audiences wouldn’t take this. If they’re doing a remake, I think she is going to have to be a more dominant and strong willed character, one who engages the world around her. I was excited when I heard Rodriguez was behind it. I think she needs the kind of edge and ridiculousness he could deliver.

Then there’s Jane.

I’ve used the sound she makes when she sees the matmos for the first time (around the 30 second mark) to describe a great many dramatic situation.

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